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Similar words: (1.00) (0.50) (0.50) (0.50) (0.50) wi wisconsin noun Viskonsin (shtat SShA) wiDF Women's International Democratic Federation noun Mezhdunarodnaya demokraticheskaya federaciya zhenshin, MDFZh wiLPF Women's International League for Peace and Freedom noun Mezhdunarodnaya zhenskaya liga bor'by za mir i svobodu, MZhLMS wiMC whom it may concern noun vsem, k komu eto otnositsya, kogo eto kasaetsya wicca 1> chernaya magiya wiccan 1> otnosyashiisya k chernoi magii wick. Wicklow noun Uiklou (grafstvo v Irlandii) wiener Schnitzel 1> _nem. Shnicel' po-venski wienerwurst 1> _nem. Wigtownshire noun Uigtaunshir (grafstvo v Shotlandii) wigtown(shire) noun Uigton(shir) wild West 1> _am. 'dikii zapad' wild West 1> Dikii Zapad (o zapade SShA) _Ex: wild West film kovboiskii fil'm, vestern wilfred noun Uilfred wilfrid noun Uilfred william noun Uil'yam, Vil'yam- Vil'gel'm willy-boy, willy-boy 1> _am. Devchonka (o mal'chike); mamen'kin synok wilton 1> _tekst.
Vil'ton (kover tipa bryussel'skogo; tzh. Wilton carpet, wilton rug) wilts noun sm.
Wiltshire wilts. Wiltshire noun Uiltshir (grafstvo v Anglii) wiltshire noun Uiltshir winchester 1> vinchester (tzh. Winchester rifle) winchester disk 1> vinchesterskii disk, vinchester. Diskovoe vneshnee zapominayushee ustroistvo, v kotorom nositel' dannyh, magnitnye golovki, dvigatel' i drugie mehanicheskie komponenty pomesheny v germeticheskii kozhuh.
Nazvanie proishodit ot mesta pervonachal'noi razrabotki - filial IBM v g.Vinchestere (Velikobritaniya). Vinchester obespechivaet bol'shuyu plotnost' zapisi, chem drugie ustroistva. Windhoek noun g. Vindhuk windsor 1> krasnyi ogneupornyi kirpich (tzh. Windsor brick) 2> vindzorskoe kreslo, reznoe derevyannoe kreslo (tzh. Windsor chair) 3> _bot. Konskii bob (Vicia faba) windsor bean 1> _bot.
Konskii bob (Vicia faba) winifred noun Uinifred winnie noun- dim. Of winifred Uinni winnipeg noun g. Vinnipeg wis.
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Wisconsin noun Viskonsin (shtat SShA) wisc. Wisconsin noun Viskonsin (shtat SShA) wisconsin noun Viskonsin wibble-wobble 1> _razg. Kolebat'sya, shatat'sya wibbly-wobbly 1> _razg. Koleblyushiisya, shatayushiisya; neustoichivyi wick 1> fitil' 2> _med.
Tampon _Id: to get on smb.' S wick nadoedat', dosazhdat' komu-l.