I started trying to develop a Sudoku solver in Excel using VBA. After a few interactions with Excel, I moved to Visual Basic using VS2005. After doing a version of the program to deal with 9x9 (classic) Sudokus, I also adapted the code to solve Samurai Sudoku (5 overlapping 9x9 grids).
Hunting unlimited 2010 free full version. Excel Sudoku Solver Description This program will solve (most) standard sudoku puzzles. I say 'most' instead of 'all' because this version of the solver relies on logic-only solving. If 'brute force' (that is, guessing) is ever required, the solver will get stuck. Scarface pc game crack download. I do not consider that a disadvantage. I developed this program as part of creating the website, which was my first 'modern' venture into cyberspace. Thus the built-in hyperlink.
The version available at that website is protected to prevent accidental destruction of working parts. This version is not, so if you happen to enjoy reading code, you can have a look. Potential Improvements A previous iteration of this program which relied much more on string manipulation in Excel itself did have one nice feature that this one lacks: the ability to add just one more value as a hint, if you happen to be stuck. Of course the trade off was a speed factor of about 4, so there you have it. I suppose if there was a public clamour for it, I would also add a 'brute force' option box so that it could solve each and every valid sudoku puzzle. Another Solver sent along this version of a sudoku solver, which is also a logic-only solver, and has a hints feature and a load of other buttons. It's a more muscular program than mine, for sure, more code, faster solve, more complete logic.
Makes me jealous and now I have to fix mine up some. Comments Have comments about this program? Leave them below! Name: Comment: Previous Comments: -12345a': 12345a 12345a: -12345a' Hitesh: Nice one 1: -1' -1': 1 1: -1' -1': 1 1: -1' -1': 1 1: -1' -1': 1 1: -1' -1': 1 Password: The up version is to edit: 3b1b1b3b5b1b1 daksh: best program ever Jean claude: Manuel is right, Andoni's Excel sudoku Solver, it's the best for sure, check on: www.dzikosoft.com I am a downloader: Dear Frank, the password prompt is cased because you set the macro settings to High - block all untrusted macros.
Set it to Medium or Low! Imran: great Sandip: very good pepu: wolla Manuel: You should get Andoni's Excel sudoku Solver, it's the best for sure, check on: www.dzikosoft.com Nick: Is it expandable to solve 16x16 with 0-9A-F? Sherina: i love this game so much!!!!!!! Aba: how play this game? Dmars: am proud of your innavaton,i too wanted to create such program madhu: want to c code pass plzzzzzzzzzz Anupam: Could you please give us password to unlock the code.