Free Hatch Patterns 53 free hatch patterns. Click the appropriate link below to download file containing the free hatch patterns, a 'readme' file and a slide library (where appropriate).
For Architectural Desktop (ADT), Mechanical, Map and other AutoCAD-powered versions Select a link above that closest matches the version of your program. For example, if you have ADT 2008, then click the link for AutoCAD 2008. If you need a program to extract files, you can get a free trial version of WinZip.
Vozrastnie osobennosti s 4 5 let papka peredvizhka. This video is unavailable. Watch Queue Queue. Watch Queue Queue.
A number of various hatch patterns for all version of AutoCAD. HAT works much like the AutoCAD hatch command, but also allows you to dynamically RESCALE and ROTATE, and MOVE hatch patterns as you create them.
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I have another question regarding these wood grain hatches that i got from PS Port. I lost my hard drive and have had to reload all programs and i dont have an apps folder in AC 08! Is this where you store these files if so, do i just create a folder in 08 for them and then goto tools,options,files,support file search path,then create a path pointing to them or what? I have totally lost all my previous info and trying to get back to where i had everything so i can create a good backup. Thanks in advance. I would recommend putting them in a folder outside of your Autocad directory. That way, if you ever have to re-install, you won't run the risk of having them overwritten.
Just stick them in a folder, then open Autocad and go into your Options dialog > 'Files' tab and click on the 'Support File Search Path'. Next, click the 'Add' button to create a new search path and then click the 'Browse' button to select the folder containing your Hatch patterns. Ya know, that is why I don't have my wood grain hatches any more from 2007. I shoulda remembered that myself. Thanks for saving me.