Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Wallem and Zeaborn Ship Management choose Verifavia Shipping for EU MRV and IMO DCS verification, plus IT system certification In agreement with Zeaborn Ship Management, Verifavia Shipping will provide EU MRV verification services as well as IMO DCS verification on most of their Liberia and Panama flagged vessels. It will also certify all of the IT systems used by Zeaborn Ship Management for these regulations. For Wallem, Verifavia will also provide verification services for EU MRV and IMO DCS across a number of its Liberia and Panama flagged vessels, as well as certifying independent IT system, Vertex SMMS. Julien Dufour, CEO, Verifavia Shipping, who believes there is a common and unhelpful misconception that data must be submitted to the verifier in a certain format, commented: “A key driver for both these organisations has been the ability to work with a verifier that offers maximum flexibility.” [.] Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 73)-approves action plan on GHG emissions reduction IMO Marine Environment Protection Committe (MEPC 73) met in London, at the end of October. This meeting was heavily focused on the reduction of greenhouse gases and the attending delegate’s approved an action plan to work towards emissions reduction across the maritime sector. IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim said the program of follow up actions “sets a clear signal on how to further progress the matter of reduction of GHG emissions from ships up to 2023.” [.] Verifavia signs cooperation agreements in Panama with Macosnar, OMCS, ICS Class, ClasIBS and PSR class for IMO DCS services. Verifavia, the world’s leading emissions verification company for the transport sector (aviation and shipping) made a major break-through into the Panamean shipping sector, just a couple of months after becoming the first independent verifier to be a fully authorized IMO DCS verification body by the Panama Maritime Authority. Best worship songs free download.
[.] Verifavia Shipping simplifies shipowners’ requirements for IMO DCS & EU MRV in conversation with ELNAVI According to EU MRV Regulation, which came into force on 1 July 2015, shipping companies with vessels of 5,000 GT and above operating within the EU must prepare plans to monitor and report their carbon emissions, fuel consumption, distance sailed, time at sea, and associated transport work. In addition, the IMO has a data collection system roadmap through to 2023 which is focused on developing a comprehensive strategy for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from shipping. The methodology includes a revision of SEEMP, data collection, verification and reporting of ship fuel oil consumption. Greek magazine, ELNAVI spoke with Julien Dufour, Chief Executive Officer of Verifavia Shipping who explained the activities and aims of the company which supports ship owners and operators in navigating the requirements of DCS & MRV. [.] INSB Class & Verifavia work under IMO DCS. As part of the new strategic cooperation, Verifavia will support INSB Class IMO DCS Verification services by leveraging Verifavia’s strong knowledge to deliver streamlined and efficient pre-assessment services and input into the INSB Class verification process and the subsequent issuance of: • SEEMP Confirmation of Compliance with MARPOL, Annex VI, Regulation 22A; • Annual fuel oil consumption Statement of Compliance with MARPOL, Annex VI, Regulation 22A; • Mandatory annual IMO DCS reporting under MARPOL, Annex VI, Regulation 22A.
MARPOL - Final Assessment STEP 3: Download the Registration cum Evaluation Form, fill all the details in the PDF file in CAPS (Reg. Form No will be filled by Office).